Multiple Unit Filter Press assemblies permit simultaneous running of one to six filtration tests. Each one of the assemblies consists of a frame with the indicated number of complete filter cells. Manifolds are complete with air hoses, cut-offs and bleeder valves.
Multiple Unit Filter Press
Other Models available
Part No. 207127 Basic Filter Press, Model 300
Ordering Information
Working pressure is 100 psig and the filtering area is 7.1-in2, as specified in the American Petroleum Institute, API Recommended Practice 13B-1 and 13B-2.
The Series 300 APT Low Pressure Low Temperature (LPLT) Filter Press consists of a mud reservoir mounted in a frame, a pressure source, a filtering medium, and a graduated cylinder for receiving and measuring filtrate. The basic unit has a cell assembly constructed of rustproof anodized aluminum and chrome plated brass, and includes the required screen and gaskets.
Filter Press API (LPLT) |
The most effective means of determining the filtration properties of drilling muds and cement slurries
Name:Filter Press API (LPLT)Main Applications Filter Press API (LPLT) The most effective means of determining the filtration |