Since this equipment has many advantages such as unique structure, compact volume, high filter efficiency, high transparency and fineness of filtered liquuor, no material wastage, without consumption of filterpaper, filtercloth or filter element, and only consuming small quantity of filter aid, it can be conveniently maintained, cleaned and operated at very low cost with strong technical force, reliable production process and perfect testing equipments, our factory and all its technical personal are very willing to help you to get-an excellent filter system most suitable for your factory's treatment process. Our equipment can be supplied incomplete set or single unit, and can be used for all treatment processes.
Model NYB High Efficiency Plate Type Hermetic Filter is high-efficient, energy-saving and hermetically operated fine filter equipment. It is Widely used in chemical, petroleum, paint, foodstuff, pharmaceutical and many other industries.
Model NYB High Efficiency Plate Type Hermetic Filter is high-efficient, energy-saving |