Environmentally friendly, independent third party testing confirms BOD and TSS less than 5mg/l and Fecal Coliform reduction of 99.9%
No hidden cost, according to the EPA cost for ATUs average $400 - $600 per year after initial 3 year warranty
Extremely reliable with failure rates less than 1:1000
No odor or noise from air compressors as from aerobic treatment systems
Virtually no maintenance required, just routine septic tank pumping
Over 50% less area required to install vs. a conventional rock trench
Installs one foot from water table
15 inch lower profile than mound systems
Here are just some of the benefits of the Eljen GSF:
The Eljen Geotextile Sand Filter (GSF) is a State of Georgia and local health department approved alternative on-site sewage management system. The GSF is ideally suited for home sites with high seasonal ground water tables, high percolation soils, and limited available space.
a State of Georgia and local health department approved alternative on-site sewage management system. |