To handle the large volume of air, the inlet air duct is large and is listed for each model. All are round to accept flexible or metal duct work.
Stands to raise the cyclone off the ground are required for all except those with drawers for dust removal. The stands may have to orderd separately for some models.
Collection of the particulates can be in drawers, bins, 55 gal drums or air lock enclosures. Depending on the system capacity, one these methods comes standard. The air is drawn through the cyclone by either push through or pull through method. The push through method has the air fan on the side of the dust. In the pull through method, the fan is on the dust free side.
Compare CYCLONE DUST COLLECTORS that are intended for large volume dust pre clean dust collecting. Cyclone dust collector dust removal efficiency is over 90% for 15 micron and larger dust particles. The popular cyclone configuration has the fan on the clean air side (pull through). Push through models with the fan on the input side are available.
Cyclone Dust Collectors
Cyclone Dust Collectors |