MACMET INDIA LIMITED offers Condenser Tube Cleaning Systems (CTCS) and Debris Filters in technical association with , France.
TECHNOS is one of the leading suppliers of CTCS and Debris Filters for Power Utilities, Refineries and Process Industries with worldwide supply reference of more than 1000 installations, capacities
of the units ranging from 2 MW to 1300 MW.
The continuous cleaning of condensers and heat exchangers maintains their efficiency of heat transfer without mechanical or chemical cleaning of the tubes and without increasing the number of
Cleaning of internal tube surface is accomplished by continuous circulation of sponge rubber balls with sizes slightly larger than the tube diameter. These sponge rubber balls are injected into the
cooling water inlet header. The water flow carries these balls into the inlet water boxes, then through the tubes and finally into the ball strainer located at the cooling water outlet header.
MACMET INDIA LIMITED offers Condenser Tube Cleaning Systems (CTCS) and Debris Filters in technical |