The enterprise has "Know-how" in the field of design, technologies and control systems of quality of various piezoelectric products: microminiature crystals, microoscillators (controlled by a voltage and highly stable), manufacturing techniques of various forms of piezoelements and updatings of their surface, precision adjustment of frequency, devices for the control and measurements of parameters, formations of a mesa structure and on many other problems. The production has certificates of ISO 9001.
The basic achievements:
The enterprises of group "Piezo" specialize on researches, development, the organization of manufacture and deliveries of piezoelectric monocrystals and products on their basis: crystal elements,
piezoelectric sensors, quartz and LGS crystals, quartz filters and highly stablecrystal oscillators. Areas of use: telephone, satellite and mobile communication, aircraft and space, the oil-and-gas
industry, navigation, home appliances, computer engineering, devices of management of technological processes, a radio engineering, automobile engineering etc.
At the enterprises of group of enterprises "Piezo" leading experts of Russia in area piezoelectric engineering, possessing experience in development of new technologies and designs piezoelectric
products, and also in development of projects of the organization of the new enterprises (including in other countries) and their equipment by the newest models of the process equipment,
metrological means and work as the organization of deliveries of the necessary constructional and technological materials which are meeting the requirements of manufacture of perspective products
piezoelectric engineering. Our production is delivered in the following countries: USA, Germany, France, Japan etc.
Achievements of leading experts are regularly published in the Russian and foreign press, reported at the international seminars, exhibitions, conferences and symposiums. Only for last two years by
group of enterprises "Piezo" it is received more than 10 patents for technology and a design of new materials and products.
The enterprises of group "Piezo" specialize on researches, development, the organization |