Specifications :
Activated Carbon Filter can be manually operated or automatic.
Our Activated Carbon filters have been designed for drinking water purification, potable water treatment, filtration of water feeding to softening plants and many other applications where superior quality of treated water is required.
Our Activated Carbon Pressure Filter incorporates the latest technology & has special features for efficient performance. They are more extensively used for removal of trace organics, odour & colour. The water is first allowed to pass through a bed of Activated Carbon of pre-determined grade & then through different layers of filter media, thereby removing turbidity, dissolved matter & colour.
Activated Carbon Filter
Specifications :
Pressure Sand Filter can be manually operated or automatic.
Our Vertical Pressure sand filter incorporates the latest technology and has special features for efficient performance. They are meant for increased flowrates compared to Gravity Sand Filters and
can treat water of turbidity up to 50 PPM. Fine grade of quartz filter sand ensures trapping of suspended solids efficiently. The sand bed is supported by other graded filter media through which
water uniformly flows.
Our Pressure sand filters have been designed for drinking water treatment filtration of water feeding to softening plants for protection of ion exchange resins, cooling water side stream filtration
and process water filtration.
Suspended solids, turbidity, colour, odour; heavy metals, conductivity, dissolved solids, ions can be removed from waste water by various treatment methods.
Pressure Sand Filter
Suspended solids, turbidity, colour, odour; heavy metals, conductivity, dissolved solids, ions |