Its Saturday morning and youre enjoying a leisurely breakfast.The sun is filtering in through the kitchen windows you need to wash, but then you see something more disturbing. Flashing in the suns rays are tiny specks of dust swirling in the air. Its bad enough to look at, but then you realize: Were breathing that junk!Until now, the best you could hope for was a 90 percent reduction of suspended pollen, dust and dander with HEPA devices on residential heating and cooling systems, and that caused reduced airflow because of the density of the filter.Now You Can Breathe!Well, that battle has been won and the dust finally has settled, thanks to the AccuCleanTM filtration system from American Standard.Fully eight times more effective than the best HEPA device, AccuClean removes up to 99.98% of allergens from filtered air and its 100 times more effective than standard one-inch throw-away filters or ionic-type room appliances. And it does it with minimal impact on air flow and system performance.Whats In Your Homes Air?The AccuClean" whole house air filtration system removes 98.98% of all allergens from filtered air.Perhaps you havent thought about it, but the air you breathe inside your house may be more contaminated than the air outside. Consider these startling facts about air quality inside your home:Indoor air can be 4 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air.The average home creates more than 40 pounds of dust each year.Each ounce of dust contains about 40,000 dust mites, one of the most common household allergens.As many as 72 trillion allergens find their way into your home every day.About 45% of homes in the United States have one or more people with asthma or allergies.Children are especially sensitive to airborne allergens because they inhale 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults.Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, many of which are strong irritants.Your HVAC system provides an excellent means of distributing these hazards through the vents in in your home!The Old Way (to Keep Particulates in the Air)Traditional throw-away paper filters and HEPA devices trap airborne contaminants by forcing air through dense mesh screens. The more they trap, the less efficient they become, slowing the flow of air through your home and still allowing way too much junk to get through!Room electronic air cleaners currently popular also have serious drawbacks. Besides cost, they are only effective within a specified radius in a room, which leaves much of the air in the room untouched.The New Way (to Really Clean Interior Air)The only way to make certain you and your family breathe exceptionally clean air, with 99.98% of the allergens removed, is the AccuClean whole-house filtration system that runs through the vents of your central air conditioning and heating system.How AccuClean WorksAccuClean first electronically charges airborne contaminants so they are attracted to AccuCleans oppositely charged collections cells. These cells are precision engineered to trap particles down to 0.3 microns in size.How small is that? There are 25,400 microns to an inch, which means the period at the end of this sentence measures more than 600 microns across. You would need a microscope to see most of the larger particles AccuClean cleans from the air you breathe.No Filters to Replace!AccuCleans pre-filter and collection cells are fully reusable. Simply rinse or vacuum pre-filters once every 3 months 6-to-9 months for the collection cells and theyre as good as new.Of course, Berkeys factory trained technicians will inspect your AccuClean equipment twice each year as part of our acclaimed Universal Protection Plan, which also includes an annual plumbing inspection.Youd need a microscope to see most of even the largest particles AccuClean removes from the air in your home!Were amazed at the results AccuClean delivers, and were not blowing smoke.AccuCleans performance has been verified by experts such as Dr. John Spengler, co-founder of consulting firm Environmental Health and Engineering, Inc., and a faculty member of the Harvard School of Public Health.In addition, LMS Technologies, Inc., which specializes in air filtration testing and verification, rates the amount and quality of clean air delivered by the American Standard AccuClean as second to none.The bottom line? When it comes to delivering clean air to every room in your home, AccuClean has no peer. It can easily be added on to any existing equipment of built into new installations. To learn more about AccuClean, call Berkeys at 817-481-5869 or click here to request a consultation.
Its Saturday morning and youre enjoying a leisurely breakfast. The sun is filtering in through the kitchen windows |