Section 1 : Basic DescriptionProduct Name : Ethyscrub Media.Active Ingredient : Potassium Permanganate impregnated onto natural clinoptilolite (zeolite).Section 2 : Physical Properties.Appearance : purple granules.Solubility In Water : partially soluble.Section 3 : Fire And Exposure.Not Flammable: no special procedures or hazards.Section 4 : Health Hazard.Toxicity : non toxic but does contain 1 - 2% manganese compounds.The time weighted average (TWA) concentration for a normal 8 hours workday and a 40 hour working week, to which all workers may be repeatedly exposed is 5 mg manganese per cubic metre of air.Protect from contact with water as it produces dilute potassium permanganate solution. Avoid contact with acids, particularly hydrochloric acid which may lead to evolution of toxic chlorine fumes. Section 5 : First Aid.Inhalation : inhalation of dust can cause irritation of the respiratory tract. remove to fresh air.Ingestion : consult a physician.Skin : wash with water for 15 minutes.Eyes : wash with water for 15 minutes prising eyelids open.Should any condition persist consult a physician.Section 6 : Protective Equipment.Eyes : industrial glasses are recommended.Inhalation : treat as low level nuisance dust.Skin : wear rubber or plastic gloves.Ventialtion : good mechanical ventilation is necessary. Exhaust air if dusting is excessive.Section 7 : Spills And Leaks.Sweep up granules and flush floors with water to sewer if permitted by relevant authorities.Section 8 : Storage / Reactivity.Store in a cool, dry area in closed containers. Protect from water and exposure to contaminated air otherwise media may be rendered useless. Keep away from strong acids, oxidisable matter or reducing matter.Product Stability : stable.
Ethylene is a natural growth hormone, which plays an important role in the ripening |