The AquaABF is a continuous rapid-rate downflow filter. This type of granular media gravity filter has been used for decades in the treatment of potable water and secondary effluent applications. The AquaABF is also an efficient means of reducing turbidity and suspended solids in industrial process makeup water. Features and Benefits Available in concrete and package unitsCorrosion resistant materialsFully automaticHigh efficiency filtrationTypical 70-90% TSS reduction in domestic sewageLow maintenance: all drives, pumps, motors and bearings are located for easy access Application Municipal Water;Turbidity reductionOrganics removalIron and mineral removal, color reductionMunicipal Wastewater;Suspended solids reductionBOD, COD, TOC reduction Industrial Water or Wastewater;Solids removalTurbidity reduction of process makeup waterChemical precipitate removalToxic chemical reductionTSS, BOD, COD and TOC reduction