Unique Features Of Swimming Pool Ozone Technology It makes pool water very safe for swimmers & especially children. Research shows that most people & children intake around 100 300 ml of water, while swimming. The technology used to make swimmers free from skin rashes, eye rending, hair fall, cloudy appearance of the pool water, foul & chemical odor. Swimming pool ozone treatment is as per international parameters & endorsed by all international standards. As compared to chlorine ozone is 1.33 times more powerful & 3100 times more faster in disinfecting water. Swimming pool water is treated for turbidity, micro particles, micro-organisms, colour, odor, sweat, urine, body oil, swimmers body infections, bird droppings, algae, etc. The treatment scheme involves I level of disinfections in balancing tank with ozone contactor, micro flocculation using poly-electrolyte dozing with ozone, vertical in line re-circulation pumps, multi grade pressure sand filter, side stream or main stream ventury ozone injection with ozone mixing tank, residual ozone destruction, ph correction.
It makes pool water very safe for swimmers & especially children. |