DisinfectionDisnifection is an essential aspect of all water treatment systems packages. The various system technologies used are:Conventional Chloronation: With usage of Sodium Hypochlorite Chemical dosing. Electrochlorination: On the spot generation of chlorine is done using electrolytic cell (from sea water or sweet water). This system is highly reliable, automatically operated water systems, process and utility applications where addition of chemicals for disinfection is acceptable. Ultra Filtration: This is the most reliable and fastest growing technique of disinfection used mostly in Food & Beverage, Pharma and Electronics industries. In-ti-Out ultra filtration membrane are used for system is that it remove bacteria instead of killing them hence its a non-chemical method fo removal of microbial load. Ozonation and UV: Both these techniques are widely used in food and Beverage industries, especially bottling industries, for disinfection of water at the point of use.