* Unionized connections for easy plumbing hook-ups.
* High Flow"' manual air relief valve and continuous infernal air relief work together to eliminate air accumulation.
* Lock ring with spring-Loaded safety latches prevents accidental disengaging of ring and possible tank separation.
* Careless cartridge simplifies the cleaning process
* One-inch drain and washout for ease of maintenance.
* Single-piece base and body design.
Clean & Clear Aboveground Cartridge Filter Systems
Perfect for use in residential or commercial pools and spas. the Clean & Clear Cartridge Filter System stands up to harsh pool chemicals and environmental elements, thanks to its chemical resistant
fiberglass reinforced polypropylene tank. The innovative lock ring design fully engages and locks with just 1/3 of a revolution-making it much easier to use than other split tanks. Plus, its
careless cellular media design makes cleaning a snap.
Pentair Pool Clean and Clear (Cartridge Systems) |