The scrubber operates at a high pH in order to drive these reactions to the left, minimizing H2S formation. Even at pH 12.5, there will be some H2S emissions, however. Some system suppliers routinely install an extra, caustic scrubbing stage following the NO2 scrubber in order to capture the H2S. Since NaOH converts absorbed H2S back to NaHS, the blowdown from the caustic scrubbing stage can be recycled to the NO2 scrubber. Solid NaHS or Na2S also gives off H2S when it reacts with atmospheric moisture and CO2, so it is important that the area where the chemical is stored and mixed be kept under negative pressure, and vented to the scrubber.
NaHS + H2O NaOH + H2S
A major drawback of these scrubbers is the hydrogen sulfide odor given off by sodium
Na2S + H2O NaHS + NaOH
The solid chemical used for make-up can be either sodium sulfide (Na2S) or sodium hydrosulphide (NaHS). Because of the equilibrium between sulfide and hydrosulphide ions in solution, either of the solid chemicals will produce the same solution when dissolved in water and adjusted to the same pH:
The actual Na2S consumption is therefore hard to predict, but a metering pump that can feed 1,3 kg of Na2S per 1 kg of NO2 should be more than adequate.
8 Na2S2O3 + 2 NO2 + 4 H2O N2 + 4 Na2S4O6 + 8 NaOH
4 Na2S4O6 + 2 NO2 + 8 NaOH N2 + 16 Na2SO4 + 4 H2O
8 NO2 + 2 Na2S + 4 NaOH 8 NaNO2 + Na2S2O3 + 2 H2O
2 NO2 + 2 NaOH NaNO2 + NaNO3 + H2O
NO + NO2 N2O3
N2O3 + 2 NaOH 2 NaNO2 + H2O
On the other hand, some Na2S will be oxidized further, to tetrathionate, and some of the Na2S2O3 and Na2S4O6 will react with NO2 to form Na2SO4. Some NO2 will react with caustic to form NaNO2 and NaNO3. Those reactions lower the amount of Na2S consumed per unit NO2 absorbed.
2 NO2 + 4 Na2S + 4 H2O N2 + 4 S + 8 NaOH
So theoretically you need 770g of Na2S to decompose 455g of NO2.
A number of other, slower reactions also occur, however. Some of the sulfide will only
be oxidized to elemental sulfur, resulting in higher Na2S consumption.
2 NO2 + 2 Na2S + H2O N2 + Na2S2O3 + 2 NaOH
The main reaction between nitrogen dioxide and sodium sulfide in the
scrubber is
Below is a summary of the reaction. This discussion is for general informational purposes only. No warranty is implied or granted with this design example. Please contact S G Plastic Construction to review the design needs of your specific project.
Recent developments have lead the use of sodium sulphide (Na2S) for the absorption of NOx fumes. The reaction between the NOx and Na2S is virtually instantaneous. The efficiency of absorption tops 98 % and in some instances 99%+. The emissions from the scrubber are brought well within the limits of the Air Pollution Control Act. All of the noxious brown fume is also removed.
Other methods include the use of urea and ozone. Once again these plant prove low efficiencies and high running costs.
NOx Scrubber The treatment of NOx fumes has many problems for designers over the years. |