No filtration pumpsPressurizing the fiber bundles on the strainer up to 2~3 centimeters of the thickness and filtrating the water by gravity with 30 centimeters of the water head.No pumps for the backwashThe water level is raised when suppling the backwash air and then the filtrate as the backwash water automatically is supplied by the overflow.(Multiple filter only)Minimizing the equipment size for the filtrationThe filtration area is larger than cylindrical or disc type filters since its shape is rectangular.High quality of the filtrateNon braid type movable fiber filters thicker than the braid type fixed fiber filters have the depths filtration effects. High efficiency of the backwashSalts adhesion and bio film propagation are prevented from the intensive movable backwash. Possible maintenance works without stopping the filtrationpreclude backmixing of the raw water by operating the back pressure springs when single filter was removed for the maintenance.(Option)
The direct filtration is possible without the precipitator when the concentration of the suspended solid is low |