The mentioned capacities are calculated with a fluid velocity in the pipe from 1.5 meter/second. The filter capacity is much more.
Contact our sales engineers for other options beside the standards.
The weight in the water is only the stainless steel screen and the tie rods. The other materials have the same weight compare to water. We also offer a unique construction for submersible pumps. This is a combination between the TSS filter and a cooling shroud for the motor.
The construction in combination with the material selection provides you the best automatic strainer in the market against a very competitive price.
The selected materials are already proven in for example Offshore and aeroplane industries.
The special maintenance free turbine bearing provides you a perfect seal and water film lubrication between flush water and pond / surface water.
Compare to our competitors we do not have any troubles with contact corrosion between the stainless Steel screens and steel body. This is always giving troubles after a period in the water.
The self cleaning intake filter units provides protection for pumps and other equipment by removing particles and animals before entering the system.
We manufacture a complete portfolio for the self cleaning intake strainers build from non corrosive materials |