It is a patented and revolutionary new class of compounds, which have the ability to instantly remove the entire range of organic chemicals from water. This class of compounds has the ability to remove volatile and non-volatile, water soluble and water insoluble organic compounds.
Our filters are engineered to remove hydrocarbons ranging from MTBE and VOCs to gasoline and oil from water in a single pass instantly solublizes the hydrocarbon compounds and bonds them to its surface, keeping them from separating and emulsifying. These filters can remove oil/water and water/oil mixed emulsions. It has also been proven effective in removing Alkanes, Alkenes, Cycloalkanes, Aromatic hydrocarbons, Crude Oils, Tallow and other animal fats, Vegetable Oils, Complex , Monomers, and Polymers, heavy Metals, PCBs, Chlorinated Organics and Emulsions.
Hydrocarbon/Oil Infused Filters permanently immobilize organic compounds with a typical single pass efficiency of 99.9%. |