Submerged aerated filters can operate as mixed or plug-flow reactors. The effluent may flow downwards through one or more cells, counter-current to the rising air, or liquid and air may flow co-currently upwards and downwards through alternate cells. Air is introduced from perforated pipes, from nozzles or from fine bubble diffusers located below the media support structure. Submerged aerated filters have no internal moving parts.
A submerged aerated filter is designed to reduce the amount of BOD and ammoniacal nitrogen in settled sewage and industrial effluents. Aerated effluent is made to flow through submerged media which acts as a physical support for the growth of microorganisms. The media may be high voidage corrugated crossflow PVC, coarse sand, expanded shale, pozzolanic material or buoyant plastic. Submerged aerated filters can be seeded with bacterial cultures to accelerate start-up.
A submerged aerated filter is designed to reduce the amount of BOD and ammoniacal nitrogen in settled sewage |