Multigrade sand filters are available from 600 to 3000mn diameters.
One orifice board (optional) for indicating wash water flow to be fitted in drain sump. Maximum / minimum operating pressure will be 3.5kg/cm2g & 2.0 kg/cm2g respectively.
Two pressure gauges to monitor head loss across the filter.
One set of frontal pipe work & valves.
One initial charge of filter sand & underbed material
One set of internal water distribution & collection system.
One vertical cylindrical Mild steel/FRP pressure vessels with dished ends. Mild Steel pressure vessel are painted internally with anticorrosive bitumastic paint and externally with a protective coat of red oxide primer.
For these types of filtrations rubber lined or epoxy painted filters can be offered.
In addition it finds application in sea water filtration & in filtration of chemical solutions.
It is ideal for filtration of clarified water.
It is extensively used in side stream filtration of cooling water & in potable water treatment.
The Multigrade sand filters filter is an ideal choice for all applications where a conventional sand filter is used.
In most cases, raw water can be used for backwash.
Lower backwash water requirement.
Very little maintenance required.
Higher specific flow rate than conventional down flow filters thereby saving on Space & cost.
Raw water can be used for backwashing the filter.
Features : |
Higher specific velocity. |
Features : Higher specific velocity. Raw water can be used for backwashing the filter. |