In outdoor applications in direct sunlight Optolite" U.V. filters block harmful ultra violet rays and protect the sensitive LCD from blackening, fogging or malfunction.The (U.V.) blocking material is available in all our product range.This includes Optolite Clear HSR, Optolite Contrast Enhancement Acrylic Filters and in Optolite EMC/RFI Shielded Filters. With Optolite Ultra Violet (U.V.) Filters, we are able to offer complete protection for the harsh environments in which some LCD displays are used.Instruments that are used for cable detection of services below the pavements and streets are left in direct sunlight for long periods.The ultra violet (U.V.) and infrared (I.R.) rays from the sun will overheat the sensitive LCD display.By incorporating Optolite Ultra Violet (U.V.) blocking and an Infrared (I.R.) reflector, this prevents the diplay from malfunctioning.Instrument Plastics Limited has a policy of continual improvement of products and so reserve the right to change the product specification without notice.