Bagfilter in F6/F7 efficiency with synthetic media and reinforced for high velocity. Depending on dust load and filter performance (dust holding capacity) the bag filter can be protected by a
Final stage
High Velocity Droplet Separator is a high velocity inertial vane separator. It removes droplets which will carry-over from the filter stage.
Due to the high velocity will the efficiency be limited allowing the sub-micron particle to penetrate. The high velocity system is therefore only recommended when size constraints makes it
impossible to install a medium velocity system or when high efficiency on small particulate is of less importance. The risk of re-entrainment of dry deposits on the final stage must also be
Weather Hood to prevent wet snow and large droplets from entering the air intake. High Velocity Droplet Separator is a high velocity inertial vane separator. It removes the small droplets from the
air stream and provides with its high water handling capacity an optimum weather protection.
Filter stage
Weather Protection