The compressed air flows through the filter element from the inside to the outside. It first meets the two-layer filter material (2). The first layer, made from glass microfibre, is laminated to a second layer of non-woven polyester fabric. The sheet is wrapped around an AISI 304 stainless steel cylinder (1). The individual solid particles are intercepted and stopped by the glass microfibre. Further layers of non-woven polyester (3) are wrapped around the filter media (2). A second cylinder in AISI 304 stainless steel (4) encloses and supports the filter media. The air-borne oil is filtered by exploiting the so-called "coalescing" effect. Depending on their size, the particles are blocked by the layers of microfibres (2) by direct interception, inertial impaction or Brownian motion, and group together to form larger droplets. These are pushed towards the outside and percolate by gravity down the open-cell polyurethane lining (6). |
S 0.01 micron 0.01 mg/m3 |