Other Triton (R) Underdrain advantages:
There are other advantages as well. Because the floor of the filter is virtually wall-to-wall screen, air/water backwash is uniformly distributed throughout the bed with very little loss of energy.
A single, center channel collects flow and distributes backwash - no need for a complete false floor. Installation of the screen sections is simple, requires no special equipment, and is easily
done by a single worker. Long, high-capacity filter runs are made possible by the plug-resistant design of the screen. Like our other screen systems, it is extremely adaptable.
Eliminate the gravel and the headaches from your filters.
The large openings in conventional filter underdrain collectors require an intermediate layer of support gravel between the collectors and finer-grained filter media. During backwashing, bed upset
can take place in which the support gravel is carried to the bed surface and filter media moves downward into the collectors. To avoid this recurring maintenance problem, we developed the Triton
underdrain. Using fine-slot Johnson screens, we've eliminated the support gravel; the treatment media is directly retained by the screen. This means new systems can use smaller tanks, retrofits can
use more filter media in existing tanks, and - in every case - filter bed upset is eliminated.
Eliminate the gravel and the headaches from your filters. |