1. In drinking water treatment (Dust/ colour/iron/oil removal).
2. Pretreatment to D.M. / R.O. Plant.
3. In pre treatment and post treatment of Effluent treatment plant.
4. Society and colony water requirements.
5. Swimming pool filtration and water resorts.
6 General purpose in Domestic/commercial/ industries.
FLOW RATE; 250 LPH TO 1,00,000 LPH
Range and sizes start From 200 mm to 3000mm dia.
Filtration Products consists of a (SS316, Mild Steel Rubber Lined /Unlined / Epoxy/ FRP Lined, FRP, LLDPE Vessel filed with a bed of filtering media supported on a bed of pebbles, gravels or
Silex / Carbon / Green sand / Mno2. The vessel is provided with frontal piping. Top Mounting and valves to control the operation of the unit. The feel water is feed at the top of the filter and as
it passes through the filter media the impurities are trapped to give filtered water. The specific velocity is designed to get optimum operation and efficiency. Also the filtering media sizes are
selected to get best filtration quality in the outlet. The filter media over time gets chocked hence has to be backwashed by passing water from the bottom to remove the impurities from the top.
We have vertical and horizontal filters are available for a complete
Filtration Products consists of a (SS316, Mild Steel Rubber Lined /Unlined / Epoxy/ FRP Lined |