Carbon filtration is an effective way to reduce certain organic compounds and excess Activated Carbon Water Filter FRFiber Glass Reinforced Plastic (FGRP) composite vessels are 1/3 the weight of carbon steel, strengths are directly comparable to steel, no maintenance & high aesthetic appearance. " High performance Composite material" Thermoplastic liner of polyester wall thickness 3.8 mm to 7.6 mm as per vessel diameter" 100 % corrosion resistant" Excellent bonding between inlet & PE liner" Better curing at high temperature" 200 mm to 1,000 mm diameter" All are top opening & dia 450 mm onwards top & bottom opening" 450 mm onward flange fitting" Operating Pressure 10.5 kgf/cm2" Operating temperature 490 C" 250,000 times cycle test from 10 psi to 150 psi" Vessels are NSF & PED certified
Carbon filtration is an effective way to reduce certain organic compounds and excess |