The Aquatech Pressure Quartz Filter is a new development in filtration technology. It is a rapid flow filter technology using very fine quartz filter media. It is ideal for filtration of water having very fine suspended matters like mud, rust particles and biological growth Salient Features **Fitted with specially designed underdrain collection and backwash water jet system to achieve improved filtration and thorough cleaning of filter media during backwash. **Its pure Silex quartz bed construction provides improved filtered water quality at very high linear flow rates without significant loss of head. **Designed to handle raw water turbidity upto 40-50 ppm Applications Aquatech Pressure Quartz Filters have been designed for drinking water purification , Filtration of water feeding to softening plants for protection of ion exchange resins, cooling water side-stream filtration and process water filtration.
The Aquatech Pressure Quartz Filter is a new development in filtration technology. |