For the castings and foundry industry, we offer three varieties of Ceramic Foam Filters: Alumina Foam Filters, Silicon Carbide Foam Filters and Zirconia Foam Filters. Compared with traditional filtering materials, our Ceramic Foam Filters offer high porosity (70%~95%), low loss of pressure, high specific surface area due to high porosity, high mechanical strength and chemical inertness which ensures no reaction with the molten metal being filtered in high temperature. The advantages include ease of operation, energy savings and low cost.The applications include molten metal filtration, high temperature gas treatment, as a carrier of catalyst and as solid heat exchanger.Alumina Foam FiltersThese are typically used for purification of molten aluminum and aluminum alloys. This can be used without fear of failure upto as high as 1200 C. Typical characteristics include:a) Pure White Colorb) Application Temperature < or Equal to 1,200 Cc) Al2O3 Content: > or Equal to 65%d) Typically Used in Molten Aluminum and Alloy Filteringe) Pore Size: 10 - 50 PPISilicon Carbide Foam FiltersThese are typically used to filter molten iron and alloys. They can be used to temperatures as high as 1500 C. Typical characteristics include:a) Gray-Black Colorb) Application Temperature: < or Equal to 1,500 Cc) SiC Content > or Equal to 50%d) Typically Used in Molten Iron and Alloy Filteringe) Pore Size: 10 - 35 PPIZirconia Foam FiltersThese are used in molten steel and other alloys filtration. They can sustain very high temperatures up to 1700 C. Typical characteristics include:a) Yellow Colorb) Application Temperature: < or Equal to 1,700 Cc) ZrO3 Content > or Equal to 70%d) Typically Used in Molten Stainless Steel and Alloy Filtration in Precision Molding.e) Pore Size: 10 - 35 PPITypical SizesThese products can be highly customized to have the sizes desired by the end user. These are typically made of Magnesium Silicate (commonly known as Steatite). They are characterized by their high rupture strength and dense body.
For the castings and foundry industry, we offer three varieties of Ceramic Foam Filters: Alumina Foa