EP Electric Forklift Truck-J series
The distinctive features of the new 1.5-3.5t/3300-7700lb J series electric four-wheel forklift as follows:
Versatility of use due to compact design and minimal operating space requirements. Compact
dimensions combined with superb maneuverability.
High stability, both when stationary and cornering, due to long wheelbase, low centre of gravity
and wide tyres.
Economy of operation, resulting from minimized maintenance costs, e.g. fully enclosed 3 phase
AC asynchronous motors with high degree of efficiency maintenance free life.
AC Power System
Multiple benefits of the AC Power System include: fast response to operating commands, precise power control,
and compact components. Moreover, since the AC motor does not use contactors and brushes, these maintenance items will no longer be required.
Operator will be able to feel the difference by the truck's .New design and performance. SEM drive motor provides advanced control features.
The CURTIS controller controls the traveling, lifting, lilting and steering action. It is an excellent cost-effective system for medium workload.
New Multi-Display employed full dotted LCD is located on
the steering column to improve visibility and manipulate-ability.
During lowering fork with no load, fork speed is reduced just before touching ground to avoid collision noise with ground.
The operator and those working near the forklift will appreciate the reduced noise.
The adjustable steering Column ensures a comfortable working position.
Comfortable seat can be upgraded to a luxury semi suspension version.
Because you open and close the battery cover for daily checkup,
access of battery cover is improved by using gas spring with lock function.
The J series four-wheel truck has three independent braking systems:
Regenerative braking system
Hydraulic wet disc brake system
Toggle-type parking brake