Indications 1) Oligomennorrhoea or hypomenorrhoea 2) Secondary amenorrhoea. Dosage Tablet General: One capsule two times a day till menstruation sets in. Repeat the dosage in each cycle till regular rhythm is restored. Benefits 1) It regulates and restores normal menstrual flow. 2) Improves blood supply to pelivc organs 3) Improves ovarian function 4) Free from nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, 5) Safe for long-term use. DO'S AND DON'TS Do's 1) Prefer wheat, milk and fruits. 2) Weight reduction. 3) Morning walk is recommended. Don'ts 1) Avoid hot and spicy food recipes and alcohol. 2) Avoid day time sleeping and smoking. 3) Avoid too much mental and physical exertion. 4) Avoid excessive consumption of tea and coffee.