Kalmar 5 9 tonnes will challenge your expectations. It is a series of forklift trucks where power and precision combine to provide you with the best set of conditions possible
for fast, safe and economical handling.
A robust design and finely-tuned drivelines lie at the foundation of this trucks simple, smooth operation. Integrated intelligence and a whole series of selectable functions
make it even easier for drivers to do their job while minimising the risk of damage to the goods being handled. The range of options available to you as a customer is wide, so
you can easily find the right truck for your needs and requirements. The trucks are built to the highest standards of quality and reliability, giving you everything you need for
the best possible operating economy and long life. Challenge your expectations. Find out more about the Kalmar 5 9 tonnes.
ECF50-90L, DCE60-90L, DCE50-90HM,
5,000 9,000kg
Load Centre
600 900mm
Electric, Diesel, Hydrostatic
Cab Options
Spirit Delta, Spirit Delta space, Flex guard, Flex cab
Forklift/Mastlift Trucks: