If necessary, LiftUp also has 2 rings attached to the superior part of the mast, so that it may be placed to the required floor where it may be necessary.
In regards to particular operations of mounting and positioning of the various specialized products, the LiftUp also comes with a ladder, which assures a regular and controlled
work area.
LiftUp has the advantage of having a minimum footprint, being easily managed and therefore easily transported and used by a single person
The LiftUp is presently the only forklift that allows the positioning on walls or ceilings, with a millimetric precision, air conditioners, blowers, air ducts, pipelines, ceiling
lights, curtains, upholstery and a variety of elements.
There is therefore a wide range where the LiftUp can be used: in particular, it should also be mentioned its varied uses in
The LiftUp forklift, is an innovative way to lift from the ground a position on the wall a range of specialized products.
The LiftUp forklift, is an innovative way to lift from the ground a position on the wall a range of specialized products. |