In order to ensure sensitization of entrepreneurs and policy makers to economic and macro issues relevant to industry, TFSC organizes economic talks on various topics. Speakers are experts with excellent background and long experience in various disciplines like Industrial Economics, Tax laws, export, global economy, foreign collaboration, liberalization, WTO etc.The talks are interactive and thereby participants are given an opportunity to get to know the various developments that occur in the national and international scene and their relevance to their industries.Following are some of the Economic talks organised by TFSC in the past few years."Economic revival and its implications to small scale industries"- "Value Added Tax" "Liberalisation - Its rationale" "Implications of WTO on Indian Small Industries "What we can learn from China" Euro - Dollar - Rupee Anti Dumping and what it means to SMEs What Intellectual property rights can mean to SMEs? During this year, TFSC organised following Economic Talks on"Sustainable Rural Development" "Social Entrepreneurship" "Development with Equity" "Appreciating Rupee and SMEs" The talks were well received by the participants.