8.The machine is painted with powder coating which is to prevent rust and corrosion.
7.Micro-based battery charger is used to prolong the battery life.
6.Standing platform is one of our standard features for easy operation.
5.This unit is low power consumption and battery used can either be EB class or industrial type.
4. Drive wheels including transmissions and controllers are imported from European, USA and Japanese reputable and reliable famous brand for highest quality and efficient operation with low maintenance cost.
3.We use large sized castor wheel and tandem wheel for fork in order to increase stability in bumpy floors.
2.The turning radius of 1350mm is small and is suitable for working at narrow aisles.
1.We employ cold drawn high tensile steel lifting mast in order to increase stability, durability and lifting capacity.
We employ cold drawn high tensile steel lifting mast in order to increase stability, durability and lifting capacity. |