SPEEMECH Electric host with a trolley forms the hoisting machinery for single girder cranes. Whereas open winch crab on a birail trolley is employed for double girder cranes.
SPEEMECH hoist has a specially designed conical rotor motor with built in mechanical disc brake, totally enclosed grease lubricated gear box and rope drum supported on large
diameter roller bearings, housed inside the main housing. Rope guide and rope tightener ensure correct laying of ripe and the required tension. Built in limit switches control both the movements of
hook at extreme positions.
SPEEMECH open-with crab consists of a rope drum accurately machined to the required pitch, oil lubricated gear box and a thrustor brake, all housed on a biril trolley, driven through crane duty
motor. The selection of motor, gear box, brake and rope drum are done based on the calculation at the design stage, incorporating the requisite factor of safety for overhead equipment
SPEEMECH Electric hoist with a trolley forms the hoisting machinery for single girder cranes |