Design & Constructional Features of ""Electric Wire Rope HoistsDESIGN: ""hoistsare designed as per IS 3938 Class II duty operations and repetitive use under most severe operating conditions.Hoistsspecially designed for higher lifts, faster hoisting & cross travel speeds & moveable on curved tracks can be manufactured on request.MOTORS:We offerhoist&craneduty Vz hour rated squirrel cage induction motors, confirming to IS 325 with comparatively higher H.P. and higher starting torque to reduce handling time. It is flange mounted to suit our design and with Class B or F insulation.HOPE DRUM :The rope drum is made of seamless pipe machined & grooved accurately, to ensure proper seating of wire rope in a proper layer. The drum is fitted with two heavy duty Ball / Roller bearings of reputed make for smooth operation & longer life.ROPE GUIDE:The rope guide is made of special close grain castings & is specially designed and accurately machined to suit the grooves of the rope drum & prevents the rope from overriding & loosening. It also operates the limit switches provided as a safety feature to limit the over hoisting & over lowering of the hook. The guide is so designed to ensure proper tensioning of the rope.GEAR BOX:Totally enclosed oil splash lubricated & dust free gear box is provided for smooth, trouble free & longer life. All gears are helical type and cut from alloy steel / low carbon steel on hobbing machines for achieving higher precision & a special process of gear toughening ensures smooth, silent, trouble free running of drive system. The pinions and gears are supported on anti-friction bearings on both ends.MODULAR :The design is of modular construction and its maintenance is easy as each component i.e.CONSTRUCTION :brake, motors, gear box & Control panel are independent units and are accessible easily. The complete hoist can be easily maintained by keeping it in its installed position, thus saving on precious labour as well as down time maintenance time.BEARINGS :Heavy duty deep groove ball / roller bearings of reputed make i.e. FAG / NACHI or equivalent make are used on all rotating parts and are grease packed for longer bearing life.TROLLEY:Push-pull, Hand Geared or Motorized Trolleys are of adjustable type and fitted with ball bearings to suit recommended size of I-Beams.HOOKS :Heavy duty high tensile steel forged hooks are used & fitted in such a manner that they rotate and swivel freely.BRAKES :Heavy duty 3 phase AC fail safe electromagnetic disc type brakes are provided on hoisting motion held closely to sustain the full load when current supply is switched off either accidentally or intentionally. It is mounted on the rear end of the motor for easy maintenance.LIMIT SWITCH :Snap action type limit switches are provided to avoid over hoisting & over lowering which is actuated by rope guide.CONTROL PANEL :Is made of sheet metal covering and are provided with (A) Schneider /C&M/L&T/ Siemens make triple reversing contractors, (b) Triple pole thermal Overload relays of auto reset type is provided in power circuit, (c) Step down transformers to give 24 /110 Volts for pendant control, (d) Cartridge type fuses are provided, (e) Special single phasing preventor is provided for the safety of Electricals.SUPPLY VOLTAGE :Thehoistis suitable for operationon 400/440 Volts, 3 phase.TESTING :The hoist components are subjected to strict quality control procedures. And thehoistIsfinally tested to 25% overload before dispatch.GUARANTEE :A guarantee is provided for the repair and replacement F.O.R. Navi Mumbai ofany part which proves defective in material or workmanship provided it is not tempered withtechnical specifications furnished below are for Class II duty HOISTS with std. 6 mtrs liftwith corresponding hoisting & CT speeds as per chart. The specifications / dimensions aresubject to change in case of any deviation from our standard specifications. Higher lift hoists arealso available against specific order.Notes:In accordance with our policy of progressive development the right is reserved to alter any details of specifications & design of equipment without any prior notice.Technical details furnished below are for the Class-ll duty hoists with our Standar design of 6 M lift. Corresponding hoisting speeds as per chart. The Specifications / Dimensions are subject to change in case of any deviation from our Standard specifications.
Design & Constructional Features of ""Electric Wire Rope HoistsDESIGN: ""hoistsare designed as per IS 3938 Class II duty o |