Designed in two separate independent units Motor Side (Driving Part) & Mechanism Side (Driven Part).
Driven by Squirrel Cage Induction Motor fitted with Electromagnetic Brake.
Duty: Class II, 40% Intermittent duty
Manufactured as per IS: 6547 (Indian Standard)
Tested at 25 % Overload
Hooks: As per IS: 15560 - 2005
Load Chain: 12 mm, Grade 80, Alloy Steel Material as per IS: 6216
Load Chain Wheel: S.G. Iron Casting Accurately pocketed
Gears: Alloy Steel Material, precise machined, gear hobbed & case hardened duly annealed. Spur / Helical combination to provide strength & smooth operation.
Motor: Hoist Duty, Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with high starting torque operating on 415 Volts, 3 Phase, 50 Hz AC Supply with Electromagnetic Brake. Continuously rated, Suitable
for frequent reversing & braking.
Braking Mechanism: A.C. Electromagnetic Brake
Control Panel Unit: Totally enclosed to protect from Weather, giving output at 24 Volts to the Operational Control Station (Push Button Station).
Operational Control Station: Suspended from Hoist with a Cable & supporting Wire rope with two push buttons extendable to four / six push button station. Operated with 24 Volts.
Overload Relay: Provided for protection to Motor
Limit Switches: Provided to control movement of Hook in Hoisting motion at decided levels activated by Lower Hook & End Stop. Prevents Accidents due to Over-hoisting & Over-lowering