JETSLAB? Cutting Bed for Stone
This revolutionary concept came from the proven use of the bridge saw in a stone fabrication shop. WARDJet recognized that the same concrete cutting bed principle could be applied to a waterjet.
That is, material can be cut directly on top of the concrete cutting bed, creating small cuts into the concrete. Its easy then to screed over with a sand-cement grout at weeks (or days) end to
restore them to their original condition, just as you maintain your bridge saw bed. These grates are an ideal choice for cutting tile or granite slabs, because they provide full support for the
material throughout the cutting process. They also allow for cutting of small parts, as it is almost impossible for them to fall into the tank as they stay on top of the concrete. Come visit us and
let us prove to you how the JETSLAB? can assist you in your stone cutting. To view a video of how these grates work please click on the icon below.
This revolutionary concept came from the proven use of the bridge saw in a stone fabrication shop. WARDJet |