The laser interferometer is used to determine the accuracy of CMMs, machine tools, and other industrial and scientific applications requiring accurate measurement and calibration. The principle of
laser measurement is based on the International Standard for the metre - the speed of light*. Its novel design features offer the ultimate in flexibility of operation, portability and
software/hardware interfacing.
The system configurations and options available allow many operating parameters to be checked and calibrated quickly and easily.
The latest Windows based measurement and analysis software, together with an innovation laser beam steering optic, makes the set-up of the laser system even easier.
The National Physics Laboratory (NPL) has given formal traceability to the iodine stabilised helium-neon reference system utilised by Renishaw. All Renishaw laser interferometers are calibrated to
this reference source, which in turn gives each unit traceability to the NPL.
In conjunction with Renishaw's laser interferometer, the RX10 rotary axis calibration system enables fully automatic calibration at any angular increment, in accordance with the latest
International Standard.
The laser interferometer is used to determine the accuracy of CMMs, machine tools, and other industrial |