570-700 nm, output > 1.5 W (10 W pump), linewidth < 100 kHz rms, frequency drift < 30 MHz/hour, smooth scanning 6/20 GHz.
Laser DYE-SF-077 features exceptionally narrow generation line width, which amounts to less than 100 kHz. DYE-SF-077 sets new standard for generation line width of commercial lasers. Prior to this model, the narrowest line-width of commercial dye lasers was as broad as 500 kHz - 1 MHz. It is necessary to note that the 100-kHz line-width is achieved in DYE-SF-077 without the use of an acousto-optical modulator, which, as a rule, complicates the design and introduces additional losses. For efficient suppression of radiation frequency fluctuations of laser DYE-SF-077 in a broad frequency range a specially designed ultra-fast PZT is used.
Frequency-stabilised CW single-frequency ring Dye laser, model DYE-SF-077, is a further development of model DYE-SF-07. It now includes a system of frequency stabilisation on the basis of a thermo-stabilised interferometer and a fast electronic driver.
Frequency-stabilised CW single-frequency ring Dye laser, model DYE-SF-077, is a further development of model |