Femtosecond lasers produce pulses that are less than a picosecond long. Solid state femtosecond lasers consist of a crystal lasing medium ( Ti:Sapphire, Cr: Forsterite Cr:YAG) in a mode
locked optical cavity. A laser is mode-locked when many longitudinal modes inside the laser cavity are held in phase by constructive interference producing the femtosecond pulse. The
extremely short time duration of a femtosecond pulse gives enormous peak powers and power densities. Femtosecond lasers are being used in a rapidly growing number of applications, including
ultrafast photochemistry, photophysics, photoablation, micromachining, imaging condensed matter, semiconductor device physics, and other areas. We Ventures offers a wide range of Ti:sapphire
and Cr:forsterite based femtosecond lasers. All of our systems are customizable to meet customer output requirements.
Based on the proprietary photonic signal generating and processing technology, We have developed a series of fiber laser products covering spectral regions of 1550 nm, 1030 nm, 780 nm, and 514 nm: |