Power: 100 - 240 VAC, 10-20 Amp
Cooling: Water Cooled: 2 Liters/Minute
Software Interface: System installs as a Printer Driver and Prints Directly from Corel Draw or AutoCAD
Computer Requirements: Windows XP, 1.6 GHZ Processor or Higher, 512 MB Ram or Higher, Spare PCI Slot
Computer Interface: PCI Interface Board Supplied
Resolution (dpi): 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200
Z Axis Adjustment: Precision machined slide
Power Control: Adjustable from 1% to 100% with up to 10 colors linked power setting per job
Engraving Speed Control: Adjustable from 1% to 100% with up to 10 colors linked speed setting per job
Cutting Speed Control: Adjustable from 0.01 to 20 inch/sec with up to 10 colors linked speed setting per job
Drives: Vexta Precision Steppers in Micro-Stepping mode
Honeycomb Size: 48" x 24" x 2 (1218mm x 609mm x 50.8mm)
Overall Dimensions (W x D x H): 60" x 40" x 43" (1524mm x 1016mm x 1092mm)
Max. Working Piece (W x D x Thick): 48" x 24" x 1" (Up to 8 depth with Honeycomb Removed)
(1218mm x 609mm x 25mm)
"Usable" Work Area: 48" x 24" (1218mm x 609mm)
Laser Type: Sealed CO2 Laser
Laser Cutting System Specification
Longer Travels Available...Up to 5' x 10'
Higher Power Lasers Available... In both CO2 and Advanced Fiber
Beam CombinerIncluded !
Vacuum Exhaust System Included !
High Output 65 Watt CO2 Laser !
Honeycomb Cutting Bed Included !
Very Large 24" X 48" Work Area !
The Largest Low Cost Laser Cutting and Engraving System available anywhere!!! Take full advantage of this system for your laser cutting and engraving applications and boost your business to a new level of capability. Prices starting at $29,875.00 for a 24" x 48" XY travel with 65 watts of Laser Power......
Laser Type: Sealed CO2 Laser "Usable" Work Area: 48" x 24" (1218mm x 609mm |