LOVATO can personalize the stainless steel motors according to the customer's request.
The possibility to have motors predisposed both IEC and NEMA, let usknow that the stainless steel motors LOVATO are destinated to aworldwide diffusion.
Among the various cooling systems, the stainless steel motors LOVATO can be furnished totally enclosed non ventilated, ventilated, totally enclosed fan cooled, totally enclosed blower cooled, totally enclosed compressed air cooled, totally enclosed fan cooled compressed air cooled, totally enclosed liquid cooled, totally enclosed oil through.
The high level of IP protection and other specialtechnical features of LOVATO stainless steel motors, let do highpressure washing wherever it is possible to clean in place, giving theguarantee of time efficiency of the motor.
Differently from a traditional electric motor, the stainless steel motors LOVATO have no cooling fins in order to avoid the deposit of material, are no painted to avoid the possibility of damage of the paint and contamination of the final item; its technical data are etched directly onto the motor body, in order not to have an area of bacterial proliferation, certainlycreated by a common nameplates (with the possibility of the screws orrivets fall off).
The stainless steel motors proposed by LOVATO, canbe installed even at the presence of one or more corrosive agents, orin the case you need an electrical motor which, thanks to its
design,is easy to clean; consequently, the occasional orcontinuos contact between the finished item and the stainless steelmotors LOVATO will no more be a problem.
All the external components, included the motor shaft, are made of stainless steel.