Additional sensors, LK-1151, are available as required.
HO-scale 115 to 135 foot turntables, and all O-scale turntables use kit LK-114.
HO-scale 51 to 105 foot turntables, and all N-scale and Sn3-scale turntables use kit LK-110.
Construction of the kit consists of mounting the sensors to the underside of the pit, installing the silver rotor sensors, mounting the rotor, the selector switch, and wiring the system components. Note that wiring is not supplied in the kit due to the unlimited and variable choices unique to each layout. Attaching the indexing to the turntable is more easily accomplished while the pit is on your workbench prior to installation into your layout.
There is no pre-set index spacing, and track sensors can be mounted anywhere around the turntable circle. A sensor is mounted wherever you desire the bridge to stop. If tracks are aligned directly opposite each other, one sensor can be used for both tracks, otherwise you will need one sensor for each stall or approach track. You can add as many tracks as you can squeeze in around the edge of your turntable. The kit comes with six track sensors, a track sensor selection rotor, a 12 position single pole rotary switch, a round 12 position dial plate, a rotary switch knob, a pre-wired solid state circuit board, and miscellaneous hardware.
The operator selects the track, determines the direction of bridge rotation, and then actuates the indexing system with a push-button. The bridge will rotate until an initial contact with the selected track sensor. The bridge will slow, and then stop when the final track alignment is obtained. Because of the slow speed of rotation, frictional drag of the bridge and worm gear drive, the bridge will not drift out of position. Accuracy of 1/50 inch at rail ends can be achieved. The kit includes a led to indicate that the track is in alignment.
An indexing kit is required to control the motor if total automatic operation of the turntable is desired. Our indexing kit is designed to stop the bridge rotation in correct rail alignment at any track selected. The system uses mechanical sensors and electronic control circuitry.
We offer a normally open push-button switch which can be placed in series with the motor, after the direction control switch, which will cause the motor to run only when the switch is pressed. Turntable operation is thereby controlled by this switch, and the bridge can be jogged into final alignment with stall and approach tracks.
Motor Jog Control MK-125
Our DC motor must be operated with no more than 10 volts DC to avoid ruining the motor. We offer a 3 Watt 250 Ohm potentiometer which can be used in series with the motor to prevent accidental conditions of over-voltage from a variable power supply.
Voltage Limiting Potentiometer MK-122
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