Motors used by CORON are manufactured and designed specifically for cooling towers in large industrial and power plant applications. In shape and function, their design goes beyond normal AGMA
requirementsboth to maximize air movement through the tower, and to minimize the impact of maintenance.
Although the primary function of a motor is to maintain a speed which is conducive to good fan performance, it must satisfy other criteria as well. For example, it must provide primary support for
the fan withstand the shock loads imposed at start-up and during subsequent speed changesanchor the fan against lateral movement in response to rotational forcesand contribute as little as possible
to power transmission losses as well as the generation of noise. And, since we warrant not only the motor, but the thermal performance of the cooling towers on which they operate as well,
development, design, and
manufacture are taken very seriously. This has resulted in an unequalled history of trouble-free operation.
Motors used by CORON are manufactured and designed specifically for cooling towers in large |