Marthinusen and Coutts manufactures various different specific flame proof motors. Here is a short list of some of the more common types:
Our temperature controlled curing ovens ensure that the insulation system is fully cured.
Because of our high insulation specifications and quality standards we do not use the traditional dip-and-bake insulation system at all. The traditional dip and bake system has been proven far inferior in insulation, slot fill and voltage withstand properties when compared to our superior EpoSeal Epoxy based thixotropic VPI system.
Furthermore we also utilise in our other VPI plant the state of the art (and Environmentally favourable) Dobecan polyester based VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation) insulation system. This insulation system is specifically designed for DC, traction as well as high starting duty applications, because of its flexibility and resistance to temperature cycling.
We have been successfully implemented the EpoSeal Epoxy based thixotropic VPI system. This system is effectively implemented in our custom designed PLC controlled VPI (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation) system. In contract with normal epoxy resins, this high build VPI system ensure phenomenal slot fill and overhang protection.
We fully utilise pure Nomex base slot insulation as well as top caps, phase insulation to ensure a high quality total insulation structure. On specific applications coils are also fully taped with pure Nomex or Mica insulation.
We use high quality Grade 3 enamel coated high conductivity as well as superior inverter-grade copper wire. This inverter duty wire is not merely normal enamel coated wire with a thicker coating, but a specially designed enamel with Mica particles. This special insulation system is ideal for the flame proof environment where long trailing cables, VSD drives, etc. is the order of the day.
Insulation Systems:Marthinusen and Coutts works closely with both local and international resin and insulation manufacturers to ensure that the best insulation systems are implemented to ensure the highest repair standards are maintained. This is another area that can significantly improve the motors reliability and dependability and ultimately reduce their Total Cost of Ownership.
All document systems and procedures are controlled through a business systems database.
One of our strategic advantages is our ability to monitor on-site conditions in safe as well flame proof areas for instance underground coal mines. We can continuously monitor the following: Voltage, current, power, power factor, speed, vibration, humidity, temperature, etc. Thus improving our understanding of the customers plant and the running conditions of the equipment. This information can then be utilized to improve existing repairs as well as future upgrades to new motors.
Marthinsuen and Coutts strives to maintain World Class Manufacturing principles. Part of our ongoing improvement processes we have dedicated customer technical committees which continuously evaluate electric motor operation and failures in order to improve products and reduce total cost of ownership.
Quality Systems:Marthinusen and Coutts has the ISO 9001-2000 listing, which includes design and development for flame proof and spark proof motor and enclosures. This system is fully implemented throughout our flame proof processes to ensure customer requirements and local and international standards are complied with. Marthinusen and Coutts has a custom designed computerized MRP system (MotoMan) to control and measure the production process throughout the manufacture or repair process. This includes procurement, stores, logistics, costing, estimating, customer feedback reports, failure reports, root cause analysis, etc.
Standards and Certification:Marthinusen and Coutts holds permits to manufacture and repair electric motors and electric enclosures according to SANS 60079-0, SANS 60079-1 (and SABS IEC) (Flame proof, EX d, Zone 1) as well as SANS 60079-0 and SANS 60079-15 (and SABS IEC) (Spark proof, EX n, Zone 2).
Please also see specific manufacturing product range
Product Range:
Marthinusen and Coutts holds permits to manufacture and repair electric motors and electric enclosures according to SANS 60079-0 |