E-mail: ,
Fax No. 91-0374-2800705
Mobile No.919435038915
Dist. Dibrugarh ,Pin. 786602- Assam, INDIA
SA.P. No.1760 ,P.O .Duliajan
Md. Numanuddin Ahmed
Yours truly,
Thanking you.
Your early response in this regards will be highly appreciated.
Seeking the pleasure of hearing from you, and a long-term fruitful business Alliance. Should you need any further details, please free to contact
We would very much wish to associate ourselves with your firm, and will be offering high quality services from our end at the most convenient terms. It will have great pleasure if you work with us. We are very pleased to giving you the positive feedback to provide customer satisfaction job.
Sealed Tenders super scribing the Tender No and date may be addressed to:The Managing Director, Assam Gas Company Ltd., P.O. Duliajan, Dist :Dibrugarh, Assam 786 602 and sent to Senior Manager (Materials), Assam Gas Company Ltd., Duliajan so as to reach latest by 2:00 pm on 12th Oct.2009. For any clarifications, the parties may contact or telephone at 0374-2800582. The company shall not be held responsible for postal delays / transit loss, etc.
for successful tenderers till formal completion and acceptance of the supply.
Sealed TENDER with 120 days validity under the single stage two bid system must be submitted on or before 2:00 pm (IST) of 12th October 2009 and Technical Bids likely to be opened at 2:30 PM. (IST) on the same day. The sealed Priced Bids shall be opened only for shortlisted tenderers on a later date after evaluation of Technical Bids. Earnest Money (EMD) @ 2% (two percent ) of the tender value in the form of Demand Draft in any Nationalised Bank in favour of Assam Gas Company Ltd. payable at Duliajan, Assam, India, 786 602 must be enclosed with the Technical Bid which will be retained by the company
Earnest Money (EMD) @ 2% (two percent ) of the tender value
Bid Opening Date: 2:30 PM. (IST) of 12th October 2009
Bid Closing Date: 2:00 pm (IST) of 12th October 2009
Tender No. MTL/PUR/13/09/Pt.XV/(M)/05
AGCL invites sealed tenders from reputed manufacturers, (herein after known as bidder / supplier) for supply of 3" Tubine horizontal flange fitting gas flow meter with meter mounted volume corrector.
Further, if you are interested to develop your business, please find below one of the latest enquiry from ASSAM GAS COMPANY LTD.,P.O. Duliajan Dist : Dibrugarh,Assam 786 602, as follows:
Being a local and having constant touch and good trade term relations with the of officials of all levels. We can get indent raised, get necessary information relating tender, collect-required documents as or when required, release payment in time as well. Our long experience & good trade terms with the officials enable us to assure you that if you favor us with your conditions, we can obtain for you an important quota of business annually.
Looking to the brighter aspect of the season, we take this privilege to introduce ourselves as Liaison Agent of many reputed concerns in the field of Oil / Gas & Power sectors & have been function owning in this field for the last 15 years. We have a vast Know how experience in this trade, and have merged our services with major Industries like - OIL INDIA LTD., ONGC, IOC(AOD), HPCL, AGCL, NEEPCO etc.
Kind attention Sir,
Sub: Liaison services to executing enquiries / orders / tenders /supply etc. in Assam
AGCL invites sealed tenders from reputed manufacturers, (herein after known as bidder / supplier) for supply of 3" Tubine horizo |