Technology: Advanced technical services and quality improvement as the leader of mechanical industry.
Creativity: Continuous creation and invention, endless research and development.
Reliability: All staff strive untiringly, provide perfect goods and services in order to obtain confidence from customers.
In view of this, we promise to establish and provide openly to people an effective environmental system to win their confidence in KENT, we also comply with the requirements of environmental protection, establish environmental target, and aim to examine the effective system operation for assurance. Also, establish an environmental management manual, we request all the staff practice with PDCA to achieve the belief of our company, in order to assure the continuous improvement and achieve company's continuous management.
KENT holds a strong belief in product manufacturing, continuing to the mission of environmental protection. In the relative activities of the organization, product manufacturing and services, we do our best to achieve the mission of the environment protection as a member of global village by cherishing the earth resources and making reasonable use of them without pollution.
Since KENT produces the first machine, we have been cultivating untiringly for Taiwan mechanical industries with the belief of technologycreativityreliability, promotes our customers and staff to share in our benefits, and aims to bring benefits to our society and prosperity to Taiwan economy.
KENT Ind. Co., Ltd. was born in 1966 with its president Mr C.S.Lu. Today, the area of our company is over 12,000 Sq. Meters. The staff includes 170 people, and the main line of products is surface grinders, cylindrical grinders, creep feed grinders, both electrolysis and electrical discharge creep feed grinders, CNC grinders, double housing surface grinders, high speed stroke grinders, and other grinding machines. Our selling areas are Taiwan, U.S,A, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, England, Spain, Thailand, Hong-Kong... Our main finnancial partners are First Commercial Bank, International Commerce Bank of Taiwan, Bank of communication and Taipei City Bank.