WELDING NECK FLANGES are distinguished from other types by their long tapered hub and gentle transition of thickness in the region of the butt weld joining them to the pipe. The long tapered hub provides an important reinforcement of the flange proper from the standpoint of strength and resistance to dishing. The smooth transition from flange thickness to pipe wall thickness effected by the taper is extremely beneficial under conditions of repeated bending, caused by line expansion or other variable forces and produces an endurance strength of welding neck flanged assemblies equivalent to that of a butt welded joint between pipes, which, in practice, is the same as that of unwelded pipe. Thus this type of flange is preferred for every severe service condition, whether this results from high pressure or from sub-zero or elevated temperature, and whether loading conditions are substantially constant or fluctuate between wide limits.
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gentle transition of thickness in the region of the butt weld joining them to the pipe. |