Seals, dual mechanical, metal
Mechanical seals, metal, cartridge
Jointing materials, metal, for water
Jointing materials, metal, for steam and superheated steam
Packings, metal, for high pressure steam
Seals, metal, brush
Seals, metal, for bearings
Seals, metal, vapour-saving, for petrochemical storage tanks
Seals, metal, wiper, for cylinders
Seals, metal, instrument
Seals, honeycomb, metal, for gas turbines and aero-engines
Seals, metal, shaft
Gaskets, metal, for cryogenic applications
Gaskets, metal, spark plug
Gaskets, metal, cam profile
Packings, stuffing box, metal
Seals, fire safe, metal-to-metal
Jointing materials, metal, chemical resistant
Mechanical seals, dry-gas type
O-rings, metal
Packing rings, metal, Vee type
Mechanical seals, metal, axial
Mechanical seals, metal, split ring
Mechanical seals, metal, lip seal, spring loaded
Packings, seals and gaskets, metal, radial
Packing rings, metal, special section
Packing rings, metal, square section
Packing rings, metal, rectangular section
Packings, seals and gaskets, metal, spiral moulded or wound
Packings, metal, braided
Packings, seals and gaskets, metal, adjustable
Packings, metal, low temperature
Jointing materials, metal, high temperature
Seals, flexible, metal, high temperature
Packings, metal, low pressure
Jointing materials, metal, high pressure
Packings, seals and gaskets, metal, high pressure
Seals, pneumatic, metal
Packings, seals and gaskets, hydraulic, metal
Seals, magnetic
Jointing sheets, metal
Jointing materials, copper-mineral fibre
Jointing materials, metal
Oil seals, metal
Oil packings, metal
Gaskets, bimetallic
Packing rings, flax and metal
Packing rings, metal and metal bonded materials
Packings, seals and gaskets, metal
Gaskets, metalloplastic Cut joints, metal |