Gaskets are commonly produced by cutting from sheet materials,such as gasket paper, rubber, silicone, metal, cork, felt, neoprene,nitrile rubber, fiber glass, or a plastic polymer and asbestos. It isusually desirable that the gasket be made from a material that is tosome degree compressible such that it tightly fills the space it isdesigned for, including any slight irregularities. Gaskets are testedfor hot compression tests.
A gasket is a mechanical seal that fills the space between two objects,generally to prevent leakage between the two objects while undercompression. Gaskets save money by allowing less precise
matingsurfaces on machine parts which can use a gasket to fillirregularities.
Gasket paper, rubber, silicone, metal, cork, felt, neoprene, nitrile rubber, fiber glass, or a plastic polymer and asbestos. |